set of 12 toilet blocks blue for Geberit built-in cistern with toilet block holders (UP-100 and UP-320)
The toilet blocks ensure that your toilet is cleaned and bacteria free
killed. The blue color gives the toilet a fresh look. 1 block goes
lasts about 3 days, depending on the number of rinses. It weighs 50 grams and is
free from phosphorus and heavy metals. The foil around the block is water-soluble foil.
The block is also biodegradable and contains no corrosive ingredients.
A properly adjusted toilet should not splash during flushing. If this
If this does happen, blue drops will end up on the seat. We
recommend that you remove these immediately with a dry cloth or a piece of toilet paper.
In addition, it is advisable to have a flow restrictor for your reservoir
to purchase. This ensures a more even flow and thus prevents
you, for the most part, the splashing. Please note: we cannot be held responsible
taken into account for any discoloration of your toilet seat due to splashes.